To use Proxychains:
Entry at bottom: Socks4 <IP> <PORT>
cmd.exe /C netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Remote Event Log Management SMB" dir=in action=allow protocol=tcp localport=12345 > C:\\Windows\\Temp\\MSI28122Ac.LOG 2>&1
cmd.exe /C netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress=172.33.xx.xx listenport=12345 connectaddress=172.20.xx.xx connectport=445 > C:\\Windows\\Temp\\MSI2cBfA24.LOG 2>&1
Create a firewall and proxy rule that will allow you to (in this case) proxy to an SMB share on another computer through port 12345 on this one.
Swiss Army Knife Proxy for rapid deployments. Supports multiple operations such as request/response dump, filtering and manipulation via DSL language, upstream HTTP/Socks5 proxy. Additionally, a replay utility allows to import the dumped traffic (request/responses with correct domain name) into BurpSuite or any other proxy by simply setting the upstream proxy to proxify.
TProxy is an interception proxy for TCP traffic. It can be used to monitor, drop, modify or inject packets in an existing TCP connection. For monitoring purposes, TProxy has the ability to decrypt incoming TLS traffic and re-encrypt outgoing packets. It also leverages Wireshark dissectors to build a dissection tree of each intercepted packet.