Exploit Development Learning Roadmap : ExploitDev

GitHub - 0xroman1/Scuffed_Low_Level_Stash: Stash for Binary Exploitation and Reverse Engineering Resources

Anatomy of an Exploit: RCE with CVE-2020-1350 SIGRed

Explanation of how the SigRED exploit was developed. Lots of good heap stuff.

ROP Chaining: Return Oriented Programming

Offensive Software Exploitation (OSE) - English


This repository is for the Offensive Software Exploitation Course…

The topics that will be covered in this course are:

  1. The Basics (PE Format, DLLs, etc)
  2. Bug Hunting and Fuzzing
  3. Intro. to Memory Corruption and Buffer Overflows
  4. Metasploit
  5. Mitigation Techniques
  6. SEH and Jumping Strategies
  7. Egghunter
  8. Retrurn Oriented Programming (ROP)
  9. Post Exploitation
  10. Manual Code Injection
  11. Intro. to Assembly x86 and x64 (please check update #3 for this part)
  12. Reverse Engineering (please check update #3 for this part)