Exploit Development Learning Roadmap : ExploitDev
GitHub - 0xroman1/Scuffed_Low_Level_Stash: Stash for Binary Exploitation and Reverse Engineering Resources
Anatomy of an Exploit: RCE with CVE-2020-1350 SIGRed
Explanation of how the SigRED exploit was developed. Lots of good heap stuff.
ROP Chaining: Return Oriented Programming
Offensive Software Exploitation (OSE) - English
This repository is for the Offensive Software Exploitation Course…
The topics that will be covered in this course are:
- The Basics (PE Format, DLLs, etc)
- Bug Hunting and Fuzzing
- Intro. to Memory Corruption and Buffer Overflows
- Metasploit
- Mitigation Techniques
- SEH and Jumping Strategies
- Egghunter
- Retrurn Oriented Programming (ROP)
- Post Exploitation
- Manual Code Injection
- Intro. to Assembly x86 and x64 (please check update #3 for this part)
- Reverse Engineering (please check update #3 for this part)